Infiniti Talks

Online Mental Wellness Platform

A case study on Infiniti Talks, a mental wellness online platform that offers resources and support such as calls and chats for understanding and processing your emotions, helps you navigate through difficult situations with grace and mindfulness.
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About Infiniti Talks

Infiniti Talks Mental Wellness is completely dedicated to Master Rajneesh Osho. It is inspired by “The Book of the Secrets” by Osho, a series of 80 discourses that were a commentary on the ancient text “Vijanana Bhairava Tantra”. Words cannot fully express my gratitude; I am simply blessed and grateful to have found Osho"s discourses.

Quick info


Mental Wellness

Project Type

Company Project

Service Type

Mobile Application development

Team Size

10 Member

Project Duration

4 Months

Technology Stack

Flutter, React, Django, Nextjs, postgres, AWS

About Client & Project Requirements

The project involves developing a comprehensive mental wellness mobile application. It includes features for consultations via call and chat, dehypnosis techniques, and an anonymous platform for sharing emotions.

The solution comprises a mobile app for customers (end users) and mentors, an efficient management admin panel, and a user outreach landing page. This project aims to create a holistic platform catering to various mental health needs, ensuring accessibility and privacy for all users.

infiniti rachna

Challenges for client

No Call/ Chat feature:

The client"s website lacked a call/chat feature, limiting its ability to offer real-time consultations and support to users.

Not user-friendly:

The client"s website was not user-friendly, presenting challenges in navigation and accessibility, which hindered users from effectively accessing mental health resources and support services provided on the platform.

Mobile Application:

They wanted a mobile application to enhance accessibility, allowing users to conveniently access mental health resources, consultations, and support services on-the-go, directly from their smartphones.

Admin Panel:

The client"s website also needed an admin panel to streamline management tasks, enabling administrators to efficiently oversee user activities, update content, and manage consultations and support services effectively.

Our Approach

Call/ Chat Feature

We developed a call/ chat feature where users can feel confident knowing that help is just a click away, enhancing the user experience by providing convenient, real-time mental health consultations and support directly through the platform.

Dehypnosis Technique

We integrated dehypnosis techniques into the mobile application, offering users innovative methods to address and alleviate stress, anxiety, and other mental health challenges effectively.

Call Chat
Call Chat
Real-Time data changes

We integrated real-time data changes into the mobile application, ensuring instant updates and an efficient user experience for tracking mental health progress and accessing the latest resources and support.

User-friendly design

We integrated a user-friendly design into the website, prioritizing intuitive navigation and accessible features to enhance usability and ensure a positive experience for all visitors seeking mental health resources and support.

Product Development Cycle

Project Timeline

The Infiniti Talks project was developed over 4 months.

Project cycle

We followed SDLC (software development life cycle) with an agile methodology.


We used to have a daily scrum call to discuss project status, difficulties, doubts, etc.

QA & Testing

We regularly gather client feedback to ensure that we meet their needs and expectations.

vinay kumar

What our client says?

“Hello PragetX team,
Really happy with their work, very cooperative, excellent UI designs they have done for my application, really worthwhile and happy choosing this company”

- Vinay Kumar
Founder & CEO

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