Folo App

Hybrid Online Astrology Services Booking Application Development

A case study on Folo App - an Astrology Hybrid App Solution developed in Flutter that connects people who wanted to discover the future by consulting Astrologers. This app contains a special feature called “minute based calling”, which charges based on per minute rate decided by Astrologers

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Folo App

About Folo App

Folo App is an Astrology-based app that connects astrologers from across India to provide their online astrology services. The idea was to develop an astrology app like Co-Star, Astroyogi and Astrotalk Astrology Horoscope App. Folo app works on a balance versus spending model, where charges are calculated based on the duration of conversation with the astrologers. Users can talk to the astrologers through an in-built video call service.

Quick Info



Project Type

Individual Project

Service Type

Hybrid Mobile App Development

Team Size

3 members

Project Duration

176 Hrs

Technology Stack


About Folo App

About the client and project requirement

About Folo App
About Folo App

The client was based in India and wanted to create this Astrotalk clone app. He wanted us to develop a cross-platform astrology mobile application, which could be used on both Android and iOS mobile devices. Further, he wanted us to add some features, like In-App video call, Astrologer account registration and verification gateway, Appointment booking, and time-based wallet transferring feature from customer’s to astrologer’s accounts.

In order to book an appointment with the astrologer - a customer’s wallet must have a minimum balance worth 5 min talk, and if the customer’s wallet balance gets exhausted, the video call with the astrologer should be dropped. Moreover, the customer’s and astrologer’s apps should allow them to contact the Folo App admin centre.

About Folo App

The Folo App Development Process

As we already knew that the client wanted us to build a cross-platform development, we connected our 3+ years of experience containing Flutter Developer with the client so that he could understand the complete app development requirement. After getting on board for the project, the developer understood the requirement and analyzed the Astroyogi and Astrotalk apps to understand their working.

After checking the standards set by astrology apps like Astrotalk, the team then created the Folo Astrology App development roadmap and explained the whole development lifecycle to the client, which he really liked. With the affirmative sign from the client, our Flutter Developer started the implementation of the Folo App.

During the development of this astrology app, the developer faced many challenges in implementing the auto call hang up function after the customer’s wallet gets exhausted just like Astrotalk. But with a positive approach to problem-solving and learning, he finally succeeded in implementing that function and delivered the app to the client with QA and security testing.

About Folo App

Key Features We Integrated in the Folo App

With a lot of brainstorming, our mobile app developers came up with the following features and
functionalities for Developing the Astrology App - Folo

Astrologer Profile Creation

Astrologer Profile Creation & Verification

To create the astrologer profile in the Folo App, astrologers must add all the right details about their profession, including the name of the business, astrologer’s certificates, testimonials, etc.

Appointment Booking

Appointment Booking

Any user looking for astrology insights can browse different profiles of astrologers and choose the right fit for their requirements and book an appointment through the Folo app based on availability.

In-app Video Call

In-app Video Call

As per the booking, customers and astrologers can connect over the in-app video call facility to get an in-person meeting like experience.

Wallet Transaction

Wallet Transaction

The Folo app will only let the customer use the video call functionality if his wallet has a minimum balance of 5 minutes worth of talk time. The transaction to astrologers’ wallets will be done in real-time from the customers’ wallets.

Auto Video Call Hung up

Auto Video Call Hung up

During the video call, the app will let customers talk with the astrologers till their wallet has money to spend, and the transaction will be transformed into the astrologer’s wallet in real-time.

In-app User Support Channel

In-app User Support Channel

In case customers and astrologers are facing any technical glitches or want to report any person, they can do so by approaching the in-app user support channel.


Real-time connectivity

The Folo app is designed to provide an in-person appointment like experience, and the high-quality video call feature makes this real-time connectivity possible.

Faster money transactions

The payment gateways are designed with high-speed transaction algorithms with security compliances, which makes payment transactions in no time.

Fewer fraud chances

As the Folo app does profile verification at the start point, there are fewer chances for service fraud.